GaN/SiC功率器件在航天電源的應用前景Application prospect of GaN/SiC power devices in aerospace power supply萬成安北京衛(wèi)星制造廠有限公司領域總師WAN Chengan Field Chief Engineer of Beijing Satellite Manufacturing Factory Co., Ltd
SiC功率器件在光伏逆變器中的應用進展Application progress of SiC power devices in photovoltaic inverters劉保頌錦浪科技技術研究中心總監(jiān)LIU Baosong Technical director of Ginlong Technologies co.,ltd
基于寬禁帶器件的高頻大功率模組應用Application of high frequency and high power module based on wide band gap device劉正陽上海沛塬電子有限公司市場產(chǎn)品總監(jiān)Zhengyang LIUShanghai MetaPWR Electronics Co., LTD
用于先進SiC功率模塊的整體解決(核心設備/材料/工程)方案Overall solution (core equipment/materials/engineering) for advanced SiC power module周鑫蘇州博湃半導體技術有限公司市場銷售總監(jiān)ZHOU XinDirector of Sales Marketing, Suzhou Bopai Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.
碳化硅及氮化鎵功率器件在數(shù)據(jù)中心AC-DC電源上的應用及展望The application and prospect of wide band gap devices in AC-DC power supply in data center董慨臺達電子高階客制電源事業(yè)部中國區(qū)總監(jiān)Dong KaiRD Director of CDBU, Delta Electronics
第三代半導體助力數(shù)字能源產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展The wide bandgap semiconductor boosts the development of digital energy industry于坤山北京世紀金光半導體有限公司副總裁YU KunshanVice President of CENGOL
用于高效能量轉換應用的GaN HEMT的深能級效應和可靠性Deep level effects and reliability of GaN HEMTs for high efficiency energy conversion applicationsEnrico Zanoni意大利帕多瓦大學信息工程系教授Enrico ZanoniProfessor of Dipartimento di Ingegneria dellInformazioneUniversit di Padova
高性能GaN-on-GaN材料與器件的外延生長High output power and bandwidth of c-plane GaN-on-GaN micro-LED for high-speed visible light communication王國斌江蘇第三代半導體研究院研發(fā)部負責人WANG GuobinSenior Project ManagerHead of RD Dept of Jiangsu Institute of Advanced Semiconductors
定量陰極發(fā)光CL技術在氮化物半導體中的應用Application of Quantitative Cathodoluminescence Technology in Nitride Semiconductors劉兵武北京正通遠恒科技有限公司總經(jīng)理Stephen LiUGeneral Manager of Beijing HONOPROF Sci.Tech. Ltd
無損表征氮化鎵外延熱物性的瞬態(tài)熱反射技術Transient thermoreflectance technique for non-invasively characterizing the thermal properties of GaN epitaxial wafer袁超武漢大學工業(yè)科學研究院研究員YUAN ChaoProfessor of The Institute of Technological Sciences, Wuhan University
AlGaN基低維量子結構外延和電導率調控研究Study on the epitaxy and conductivity regulation of AlGaN based low dimensional quantum structures許福軍北京大學物理學院副教授Xu Fujun - Associate Professor, Peking University
利用AlN傳導層在GaN襯底上外延生長金剛石薄膜及其熱傳輸特性Thermal dissipation from GaN to diamond with AlN conduction layer桑立雯日本國立物質材料研究所獨立研究員SANG LiwenIndependent Scientist of National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
半導體行業(yè)對高純電子化學品質量管理的高要求High requirements for the quality management of high-purity electronic chemicals in Semiconductor俞冬雷安徽亞格盛電子新材料有限公司副總經(jīng)理YU DongleiVice General Manager of Anhui Argosun?New Electronic Materials Co., Ltd
平片藍寶石襯底上高質量AlN材料MOCVD外延生長High quality AlN growth on flat sapphire at relative low temperature by MOCVD趙德剛中國科學院半導體所研究員ZHAO DegangProfesor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
應用于垂直器件的高電導率GaN單晶襯底制HVPE Growth of Bulk GaN with High Conductivity for Vertical Devices王建峰蘇州納維科技有限公司總經(jīng)理WANG JianfengGeneral Manager of Suzhou Nanowin Science and Technology Co., Ltd
Adding efficiency to electronics with III-Nitride technologySrabanti CHOWDHURY美國斯坦福大學電氣工程副教授Srabanti CHOWDHURYAssociate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy, USA
基于P區(qū)反序摻雜策略的高效碳化硅結勢壘肖特基二極管的研究High-Performance 1200 V/ 20 A 4H-SiC JBS Diodes with Retrograde P-Implants Strategy張園覽復旦大學Yuan-Lan ZHANGFudan University